Poligono Espiritu Santo, 33010, Oviedo +34 985282297 fpcerdeno@educastur.org Lunes -Viernes de 8:30 a 21:00 - CERRADO EN AGOSTO


En nuestro CIFP celebraremos los Erasmus Days 2024 invitando a nuestra comunidad educativa a informarse de las posibilidades que ofrece este programa. Os invitamos a participar

 During the #ErasmusDays, taking place between the 14th and the 19th October 2024, all those involved in the Erasmus+ programme are invited to organise digital and/or physical events. These events may take various forms, such as seminars to share best practices, multilingual sessions to improve conversation skills, photo exhibitions to illustrate mobility experiences, conferences to promote intercultural opportunities, or social media challenges to simply encourage engagement and creativity.

This year, one of the highlights of our event is sports, echoing the spirit of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. The thrill that can be found in a global competition, can also be found with Erasmus+, a programme that brings everyone together around new and collective experiences.

Don’t miss out! No matter, if you want to study or train abroad, engage with Erasmus+ alumni, or simply share your European experiences and commitment, the #ErasmusDays, provides a platform for concrete and positive action. Join us in celebrating the spirit of Erasmus+, fostering collaboration, and embracing diversity!



Bienvenido/a a nuestra web, seas visitante ocasional o un habitual, en nombre de toda una comunidad dedicada a la Formacion Profesional de la que, temporal o permanentemente, deseamos que te sientas parte integrante. A través de estas páginas virtuales podrás empezar a conocernos y espero que a valorarnos. Desde esta bienvenida al hasta siempre, no olvides que transitas por una aventura apasionante, tejida de trayectorias personales y colectivas, que una representación virtual apenas puede esbozar. Siempre estamos deseando conocer tu opinión y tus iniciativas. Un cordial saludo

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